Saturday, June 30, 2007

Sweet Truth

I had a simple epiphany today, one I'm sure or at least I hope I will have again, it was and is to be grateful for what we don't receive. The person we thought we couldn't live without but surely could live without us. The job we thought would make or break us. The glory or acceptance we crave or craved. The acknowledgment for an idea or a job well done or the truth we lament over never receiving. A kindness not repaid, or for that matter a bill. The friend, the lover, the house or car we desired but did not get. I am grateful for not receiving those things I thought I wanted. Because surely someone knows better what I need, surely in the grander, greater picture and puzzle that is the piecing together of my life I will know why things had to be the way they are, the way they turn, the way they turned. What I can't see because it's before me I can't know is better for me, more fulfilling and full of greater riches and joy than what is behind me. You cannot lose what is yours, you cannot hold what is not, you cannot fail on this road. If you look deep and lay bare what you see you cannot fail. You may hurt but you will not fail. I'm grateful for all I do not have. I have the room for all I need.

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