Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Ah I finally went to the MOMA today as I've been threatening to do for some time. I saw many things but the Richard Serra exhibit in particular was delicious. I really enjoyed it. The sheer size I think makes it fun and anytime you get to be in the art. I was terribly pleased with myself later when I found out a piece that I felt just looked like a house of cards but on a much grander scale and of course in sheet metal turned out to be titled "One Ton Prop (house of cards)". The pieces in the sculpture garden were lovely and the ones of the 6th floor were interesting but I was enchanted by the exhibit on the 2nd floor.

I really felt like a kid and we were of course not allowed to touch but I found my body wanted to roll against the undulating metal. Turning over and over and following the folds so... I did, not touching of course, but it felt good. It felt good to follow that instinctual and very childlike desire. The undulations of the metal were very inviting. Some of the pieces felt when you were in them felt like ship hulls and others like you were in the folds of a piece of ribbon, except of course 71+ feet high. Some pieces had a warm and inviting feel to them and others very cold and a little scary. It was fascinating because you could be flippant and say its all sheet metal how could it feel different or warm or cold but each piece of metal had its own vibration and personality and unique discolorations and lines or shade or rusty design even within pieces that were welded together and part of the same sculpture ultimately. When I stepped back from them and looked down the room I was awestruck the images were so powerful. I highly recommend the exhibit and I will be going back soon.

So the show Tempting Joanna premiered today and it was a preview to the show involving some behind the scenes interviews and snippets of episodes to come. It was fun and nerve wracking watching myself on TV. But ulimately exactly the road I want to go down and I want more, more! The image of the mad scientist should come to mind. I am excited to see an actual complete episode. I am really looking forward to it. It is interesting though because I am starring in and producing a short film ( and a feature) and it is definitely a different feeling to be involved in the behind the scenes of the project. I love being a producer and creating the vision for a project and being part of the casting etc but there is also the ability to hold the vision for a project, the creative aspect, seeing the larger picture. That has been a wonderful experience as well but the other positive side is I get to be there on the post-production side. That is the interesting aspect I was exploring today the truth of as an actor you do your work and then you have to let it go because you have no idea how it's going to get put together. That has been an intriguing lesson in surrender and trust. I'm signing on off that note. Ciao

1 comment:

Carla said...

Where can we see the show, Lise??? ~Carla

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