Monday, July 2, 2007

Yoga Yoga BoBoga Fo FanFana....

Alright so I am blatantly amusing myself and most likely no one else and to this I say... what else is new? I am generally seeking to amuse only one person and if there is more added to that number then bonus! But one is the aim, sorry audience whoever you are. So I dragged myself kicking and screaming to a yoga class this evening. I was kicking and screaming for two reasons one I am not yoga friendly and two I was upping my running schedule today and was trying desperately to get out of it. Very pathetic for a trainer huh? But honest nonetheless. I think its ridiculous to pretend I'm also sailing to the gym on gossamer wings. I keep going for several reasons the first being I made a commitment to myself, the second once I'm there I have a great time working out, third I am highly competitive so this fuels the first and second and fourth I am going to live long damnit and I want to do it looking and feeling good. Mostly the looking good part, the feeling good comes from looking good because it is better to look good than to feel good and you look marvelous! Come on I had to do the Billy Crystal SNL reference there was no way around it!

Back to the Yoga, I am trying I AM starting to take Yoga classes every day because I am not a stretcher. If I do not get myself in front of people to force myself to stretch I will not do it. There I've told you my dirty secret now leave me alone (said in that 1940's movie style and then I throw myself onto the couch). Yeah so that's my secret unless I am in the proper environment I will not take the extra time to stretch. I want to become more supple, finally learn to do a split and generally find that calm place (ha),learn to breathe and get into really odd poses that nobody in their right mind should...Okay so I'm being silly, it's a time honored 5000 year old spiritual practice and I find it challenging albeit silly at times. Alright so maybe it's not the yoga itself I find silly but rather myself when twisted into a pretzel. Oh boy I was a pretzel today with one leg wrapped around the other and my elbows and arms entwined. Whew.

I really love the challenge of it. I am strong but put me in pretzel position, I believe that is the technical name, and I am falling over, it's not my forte but soon, soon muahahaha (said like a mad scientist) I will take over the yoga world! Alright but I'm not kidding I am going to master this thing. I'm just trying to discover which type is best for me and find a teacher or a few that I like. I find that a good portion of my life lessons have to do with discipline. Discipline for my carers to continually submit my head shot, to make sure I sit down and write everyday, not just this blog but my book and screenplay ideas, my fitness blog. Discipline for my body, to work out, to eat well, basic maintenance. Discipline for my heart and spirit, to meditate, take time for myself to play and rest. So I will, I am adding yoga to the mix for my body, spirit hopefully it will help me segue into meditating on a more consistent basis. Alright I speaking of discipline I mus go to sleep I will take my leave of you. Namaste.

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