Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Bringing it Back

Going to see the fireworks tomorrow at a friends house, party etc then I've been invited to Guest House and it seems wed nights are the night to go out so...I may have to swing by. So I've got a bunch of auditions coming up this week and we start filming again on the show, "Tempting Joanna". Talk about answered prayers I was feeling a little like things were getting slow and then bam 3 auditions came up today and a go-see from one my agents. Yeehaw very happy about that. Acting is truly where my heart is and it is definitely a career that constantly tests my faith. I'm appreciative to have a love, acting that is, that puts me constantly in a place of having to have faith, to be in the moment and still have to plan to keep things in motion whilst releasing expectation! It's like a weird, wonderful, wild spiritual metaphysical way of living wrapped up in a career. I have no idea if that makes any sense but it is really a wonderful challenge and I obviously love it, shoot, you gotta in this business.

So I'm thinking about last year this time and I am so grateful for how my life has changed!! I can't begin to sing out how happy I am for where my life is and the very awesome people I have for friends, the work I'm getting, the auditions, I am so happy. What's really interesting is being happy or rather joyful even when having doubt's and wistful moments but choosing to see all the blessings. I know it may sound hokey but it's really where I am. It's really kinda neat to be in that head space. I think I'm gonna take myself to the movie's tomorrow after my run and yoga see if i can't undo all that good work with a vat of soda and a trough of popcorn. Honestly though if it takes two hands to lift up the soda haven't we gone too far!?! Not that I should talk I plan my meals around a movie day. You have to figure out how to reconcile a 1000 calories worth of soda and god only knows of popcorn. Alright I guess I'll have to run and do the elliptical tomorrow...oh wait and I'm going dancing tomorrow score! Excellent it's settled then. Sweet dreams, ciao.

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