Wednesday, May 30, 2007


My own blog yesterday bored me to tears. Wow I was having a Pollyanna moment huh? Not that it’s a bad thing it’s just that not what’s going on today. I had a good day trained my clients had tech today. I just gotta focus on the fact that I’m happy to be acting because otherwise I get annoyed. I mean some people just got attitudes and a false sense of importance. That’s all I want to say about that. Because otherwise it’s gonna turn into a bloodbath and I’m not trying to go there.

Ok now I see why I tried to focus on the positive yesterday. Because I got that New York anger thing where everything is just boiling under the surface and then someone from Arkansas knocks into you by accident, you freak out on them and they go home saying all New Yorkers are rude? Know what I’m talking about? It’s New York’s walking version of road rage. I live midtown and its matinées Wednesday and I have to tell you it started there trying to navigate through the throngs of people who are overtaking the sidewalk. Now don’t get me wrong I’m sure when I’m on Broadway I’ll want sidewalks full of people wanting to see my show but when you’re just trying to get through? Not so much. Oh that’s a lie that’s not where it started it started on the way to our tech rehearsal which was at Theatre Row. It was 11am and the classic “it just became summer I haven’t seen flesh since autumn bull@#$*” began. Here’s the thing, shockingly I’m not looking to pick up anyone on my way to rehearsal or anywhere on the street and for some reason this information is not privy to the oh so eligible “gentlemen” out there trying to do the picking up.

Now a, you look beautiful or pretty or Good morning will almost always get you a thank you or a Morning back. I very rarely say Good morning because…I think we covered that on my previous blog. But the lascivious comments and hollering?! I honestly cannot even go further into it because I’m sitting here frowning and sneering at computer and I’m not interested in getting all riled up right now. I’m sure as the summer progresses or even begins (!) I will have more to say on that particular matter. So back to the original thought it fueled my rage and then I had to traverse across Times Square to get to Best buy and ran into multitudes of Theatre goers. Ah New York it truly is a love affair complete with frustration, deep love, anger, admiration. I was loving New York later in the day when I went to train a client and walked through Central Park. I bought a pedometer the other day to see if it’s helpful etc and now I’m obsessed, I’m a pretty competitive person and this absolutely gets me going. So it’s like a game the word on the street is that you’re supposed to walk 10,000 steps a day so… I’m trying to walk 20,000 steps. Why? Because I’m competitive, even with myself. I’m not going to even try to dissect that right now. I’m sure I could analyze the heck out of that one but I do believe competition is healthy and if it’s pushing me to walk around the city, 10 miles today, 25,000+ steps FYI, then it’s a good thing. Darn I guess I’m ending this on a positive note after all that ranting! Ciao.


Anonymous said...

This is the most original and interesting stuff I've ever read. Keep it coming! Mvuvi

Lise Fisher said...

Thank you! I am grateful for your patronage! I will strive to be worthy of your compliment.

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