Friday, June 15, 2007


So I went to the screening of my TV show "Tempting Joanna" tonight. It was really fun and exciting. They're actually holding us in suspense, they showed us snippets of episodes and behind the scenes footage. We'll all have to wait until next Wednesday June 20th to see it on channel 56 at 6pm. So I'm waiting!

I had a lovely day I worked all morning and then I made a picnic for my Aunt and we met near the MET (ha good times pun intended!). We had a grand time I really enjoy her company. It's like going out with a girlfriend but one who's known you all your life and really loves you no matter what! So we chatted and went to the museum. We were giggling, not at the paintings or exhibits but we amuse each other, and we were getting dirty looks from the fuddy duddies who think the museum is a library. One of the many reasons we really enjoy each other is we're both really independent and enjoy our own company, in addition to each other.

This is a wonderful trait in a friend or person. I really need my space and get very off kilter when I have not had sufficient me time, to create, to veg, to plan and plot my life and pamper myself. As an actress and a writer I need space and time to explore my character, walk in her shoes or go deep within to discover what I want to write about and feel safe to express myself. This is all in addition to working on the work in progress that is Lise! My life, my story, my personal legend as Santiago does in "The Alchemist". I reread that book every few years because I love the concept that sometimes we have to travel all over to realize no else is holding our treasure, no else holds the key to our good fortune, the door is not elsewhere, it is within and it was within us all the time but we needed to "travel" to unravel it (yes I am aware of the rhyming and I couldn't help myself). I have gotten very clear on that recently that no one else is the creator of my good fortune or possibilities. I work hard, love hard, give graciously and have traveled and earned and am earning or learning and creating my legend, my story so to speak. I am not an Island nor is anyone else but I am whole and complete, everything I need in this moment and every moment. It's funny I passionately teach that to all that come close to me when that is what I need to most learn.

I do feel my home in particular is an oasis for me, my island. It is sort of a place where I can travel the interior of my heart, of my soul and discover what is true for me. That and going to the museum by myself, MOMA or the MET in particular. I love to see what other artists have created while I wonder what struggles they endured to express themselves, to be heard, regarded, respected, treated with kindness and valued for their craft, for their ideas, for their heart and passion. I really strive for balance in my life and my home because as a high energy, very creative and empathetic person, I need to counteract that with down time, just me, my cats and scrubs (or some other comedy sitcom, I am a comedy sitcom junkie). There's something about going through a range of emotions and trials and... whoosh 30 minutes later it's resolved! There a moral to the story and summation of life, perhaps a truism and bam see you next week. Yeah I know another non-sequitor in my free style form of writing or as my father put it quite well, I felt, free disassociation, reflective of the mind's jumping from idea to topic to picture (direct quote from Papa).

Anyway I love my Aunt, she like me, really loves taking care of people and being social but also really values her me time and values being valued! The most important relationship you'll ever have is the one with yourself. I have discovered that one of the most important things to me right now is to feel respected and enjoy my time with myself. I think people in New York need more time alone, maybe its just me, but I think it has to do with constantly being bombarded with people the minute you step out your door and all their go-go-go energy. Also all my work, training, writing, acting and producing requires me to give a lot of myself from the heart and I need to replenish and fill the well so to speak. It seems this where I am in my journey through life and I love the lessons I'm learning and I am grateful for the gift of players that have joined me in this segment of lessons, to teach and be taught. I am blessed to have family and good friends I love and whose company I enjoy and to be doing what I love! So anyway I have an audition tomorrow I need to prepare for and gosh the next few days are jam packed with friends in town, events and shoot not much time for me... I guess that's where that tangent came from earlier (one of many tangents...who am I kidding!?!). I have some projects hanging in the balance and I'm waiting for the pieces to fall together... I will keep you updated. Ciao.

Mmmm Mmmm Good!

I just had the most amazing meal! I may have to change my favorite restaurant in New York from Blue Ribbon to Blue Grill ( not Blue Water Grill although a nice restaurant, does it seem to you I go to/like restaurants with the word blue in the name hmmm....). Fantastic, superb. The food, the service and of course the company. A former client of mine and very much my friend took me out to dinner and it was great. I would always look forward to our sessions as we are of the same tribe. Luckily even though I am no longer training her at Columbia we have remained friends.
So it was lovely I have to say their food is divine it seems they serve food from their farm upstate and from other local farmers. It's seasonal and very fresh. I, we chose the tasting menu which from my understanding two or more people have to choose in order to have it but I may be incorrect. The tasting menu changes frequently. This particular menu had Halibut, wild striped bass and Berkshire pork and steamed cheesecake (yes steamed) for dessert with a rhubarb marmalade of top served in these quaint little jars that one would normally preserve peaches in or what have you. I think I just like to say rhubarb, rhubarb it's kinda fun in your mouth as was this cheesecake and frankly the entire meal!The presentation was lovely and I could go on...I will definitely be going back.
So I am finalizing my trip to Tanzania to visit my Father and my younger siblings...that I have never met. Wow that's a bomb to lay on ya huh?!? I will go further into the exciting trip ahead, where I will witness small children of which I am related, the great rift, Ngorongoro crater and Mt. Kilimanjaro and Olduvai Gorge and a variety of large cats; lions and tigers and bears oh my! I am so very excited...however we will discuss this in the future because I have finally admitted to myself that I need 8-9 hours of sleep per night and I usually average around 3-4! Causing me to require naps midday which I chastise myself for and then I can't go to sleep...on top of which I am actually a night owl, and the cycle perpetuates itself. I am usually very sleepy around 9 and 10 but I can't bring myself to go to sleep that early and once it hits midnight I am up and raring to go! Its the years of working in the restaurant business, bartending. So although I am very much awake right now. My body has had it and I am no longer fighting my need for ample sleep. So pleasant dreams! Ciao!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Random Thoughts

So for a moment there I had a feature called Beautiful thoughts it would have quotes from a wonderful book I’m slowly reading called “A course in Miracles.” It is an intense book and although I usually read quite fast this book is for pondering. Anyway I had to remove it because I kept thinking of this old SNL skit called “Deep Thoughts” it was just hilarious and it would be random and slightly messed up things e.g. “One thing kids like is to be tricked. For instance, I was going to take my nephew to Disneyland, but instead I drove him to an old burned-out warehouse. "Oh no," I said, "Disneyland burned down." He cried and cried, but I think that deep down he thought it was a pretty good joke. I started to drive over to the real Disneyland, but it was getting pretty late." Or “"Many people never stop to realize that a tree is a living thing, not that different from a tall, leafy dog that has roots and is very quiet." (These are direct quotes from the segment “Deep Thoughts” by Jack Handy) That was the stuff Deep Thoughts would pull, it was very funny and silly. But every time I’d put up a quote I’d have deep thoughts going through my head so… I couldn’t take my own segment seriously so I axed it.

Have I mentioned yet how Ipod has changed my life? I am not jesting here, it really has. I love that I can download podcasts and listen to them as I walk along the Hudson Parkway Park or anywhere for that matter. I listen to programs on Hay House radio, motivational programs and I can watch movies on my Ipod!!! Of course the ability to transfer my cd’s onto the computer and then onto the pod well, revolutionary is the only way to describe it. Now I’m obsessed with playing solitaire while I listen to music. So when I’m bored I can check out oh and I can also store pictures on it. A portable photo album! Yep it’s changed my life. I’m not sure there is more to say on the matter. Maybe I’ll write an Ode to a Grecian Ipod or something of that sort. Hmmm…probably not the best use of my time.

I really wanted to title this post Random Ramblings but I promised no more alliteration at least for a little while I don't want to get stuck on it. But perhaps I like alliteration I think we all do to one extent or another. It feels good on the tongue to say Suffering succotash or devilish denigrates or rather denigrating devils, I think you know what I mean. Anyway, I'm in the middle of making some big decisions about my life( aren't we always?) and it's daunting and exciting. Just knowing you got choices is awesome. So I stayed true to the title eh? One random thought after another. Anyhoo I'll keep you posted. Ciao.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Deelightful Day

I wonder who will get my reference. I will probably out a stop to the alliteration at some point but not now. I am simply put, exhausted. Why you ask? Isn't a good portion of the day devoted to waiting to be called you ask? And yes, I reply, it is. This, however, is precisely what makes it exhausting. It is really hard, for me anyway, to do nothing for large chunks of time. But it was a delightful day for the most part. Everyone on set of "Damages" was wonderful, Glenn Close is a very warm and generous person. She had no air about her and for someone as accomplished and talented as she that is very heartwarming.
TV sets are intense I will tell you, for what may average to about 30 seconds or a minute, I cannot tell you how many hours go into it. So many people are needed on set to organize, make sure everyone is coiffed and in place, hairs and bodies alike, props, continuity and truthful movements, expressions. Someone has an eye on every aspect and then we gotta get it from different angles. The main character which in one particular scene was Glenn has to repeat the same lines over and over and over while keeping it honest, in the moment, truthful and in context of what may have just happened. I have a lot of respect for the work.
But honestly not just for the actors, the crew is so invested and on the point. On top of that they're kind. They're on set before all of us and after all of us and keeping everyone wrangled or building things or you pick an aspect there are4 people who are on top of it. I had my sweater arranged 5 times today and I was an extra! My hair fixed, the person next to me patted down, he was particularly shiny (shaved head), our clothes have to be approved. Anyway, I slipped off into a tangent. It was delightful day becuase I love being on set but also they let us out after 10 hours. Whoohoo!!! It means I get to fed myself and see if I can't get to bed at an appropriate hour. It's a wrap!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Daunting Damages?

I just got booked on the Glenn Close TV show "Damages". I'm going to be an extra as an associate lawyer in her office. I am so excited! It's a wonderful opportunity to be on set, watch what's going on and who knows? I just did a play with a gentlemen who parlayed extra work into a recurring role on "Guiding Light". So you never know. I am just always grateful to be working in my dream field. So here's hoping to some lines!!
I have to reroute some of my clients tomorrow morning but they're amazing so I'm grateful for that too. I hear a theme coming on...Anyhooo. I must get my wardrobe together and get some sleep tonight. It's possibly going to be a 10 hour day on the set which is great but I must keep my fitness regime going. When you train people you have to be the example. Luckily I am not a gym rat and what I mean by that is I really understand the plight of the lack of desire to go to the gym. I love working out once I start but every second up to it I'm trying to weasel out of it. And I'm a trainer!!! But I bring that reality and truth to my clients, you just gotta do it. You always feel better afterwards and accomplished. So I guess this is as good a time as any to state I'm going to start a fitness blog this week with tips on how to make fitness a lifestyle and not a quick fix.
Wow that was some tangent huh? So I will let you know how it goes tomorrow. Yay! I love my life!! Ciao.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Sunday, Sunday

You should have the Mamas and Papas song "Monday, Monday" going through your head. At least I was when I was sitting down to write this. It has been a glorious Sunday. No work!! Nothing to do, no one to see! Whee it has been utterly glorious! I have not even hit 6000 steps today yeah! Actually I'm trying to deal with that but I was looking to have a sedentary day. It's just my competitive side is freaking out a little, but I will hold it down and sit on it. I deserve a day of relaxation.
So what did I do? I did the winter to summer clothes change over while watching hours of "Girlfriends" and "Dharma and Greg" why? Because I was cleaning out my closets and my DVR! I'm telling you this has been a wonderful day. I have created space for new clothes in my life and....oh I feel a metaphor coming on! Sorry I won't but yes that was the intention I am creating space for some new things in my life. So bring it on! (I love that movie by the way its my shameful secret) Sheesh I am divulging way too much about myself. I better quit while I'm ahead. Got an audition tomorrow to prepare for and a week full of opportunities. Onward and Upward! Ciao.
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