Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Deelightful Day

I wonder who will get my reference. I will probably out a stop to the alliteration at some point but not now. I am simply put, exhausted. Why you ask? Isn't a good portion of the day devoted to waiting to be called you ask? And yes, I reply, it is. This, however, is precisely what makes it exhausting. It is really hard, for me anyway, to do nothing for large chunks of time. But it was a delightful day for the most part. Everyone on set of "Damages" was wonderful, Glenn Close is a very warm and generous person. She had no air about her and for someone as accomplished and talented as she that is very heartwarming.
TV sets are intense I will tell you, for what may average to about 30 seconds or a minute, I cannot tell you how many hours go into it. So many people are needed on set to organize, make sure everyone is coiffed and in place, hairs and bodies alike, props, continuity and truthful movements, expressions. Someone has an eye on every aspect and then we gotta get it from different angles. The main character which in one particular scene was Glenn has to repeat the same lines over and over and over while keeping it honest, in the moment, truthful and in context of what may have just happened. I have a lot of respect for the work.
But honestly not just for the actors, the crew is so invested and on the point. On top of that they're kind. They're on set before all of us and after all of us and keeping everyone wrangled or building things or you pick an aspect there are4 people who are on top of it. I had my sweater arranged 5 times today and I was an extra! My hair fixed, the person next to me patted down, he was particularly shiny (shaved head), our clothes have to be approved. Anyway, I slipped off into a tangent. It was delightful day becuase I love being on set but also they let us out after 10 hours. Whoohoo!!! It means I get to fed myself and see if I can't get to bed at an appropriate hour. It's a wrap!

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