Saturday, May 26, 2007

Life in the business of Acting

Saturday… Ah Saturday in the city during Memorial Day weekend. It’s really a feeling I can’t fully describe and now I’m going to proceed to do exactly that. It feels like a weight has been lifted from the city. There are literally millions of people who flee the city on this weekend. It seems as though they’ve taken a lot of their baggage with them, the hustle and bustle, and impatience. It really feels lighter, calmer in the city. I love the big weekends, you get the streets back to yourself. You can stroll even and you’re not dodging half as many people as usual.

It hasn’t been an uneventful day for all the lighter, calmer talk I’m boasting. I have had snafus with my director and our schedule concerning a play I am starring in and producing. I seem to have had communication problems etc left and right. I am one of those people who believe things happen for a reason and all that jazz. For the most part I’ve been able to clear up some confusion, create boundaries that I thought were clear. Also get clear on what I want and don’t want in my life. I don’t think conflict is always bad. In fact I think it can be a wonderful catalyst for change and getting clear on your intentions.

It just got me to thinking about Memorial Day weekend and not so much about the original meaning of the holiday but rather memories. Like what was I doing last year? Who was I doing it with? Why? For all the roller coaster ride of emotions I’ve been on today I know I would not want to within a ten foot pole of where I was last year. I would rather be where I was today, having conflicts about the play, walking along the water learning lines, at home where I am right now sweating to death because I haven’t put in my air conditioner yet and its stifling outside.

I am really quite happy and also very hot, as in body temperature not necessarily in terms of sexiness although I’d like to think so. I gotta go to sleep now I have to meet with the director and some of my scene partners and I’m going to go in early to have a talk… Anyway I’ll keep you posted on the events of the weekend. Ciao.

My First Day!

I feel excited and a little nervous, this being my first blog and all. I'm not sure I can really call it my first day being that it's 1:16am. Perhaps it is my first day but we'll count it towards Saturday. However, technically and by technically I mean according to me, I don't consider it the next day until I've gone to sleep. Aren't you all glad that now you know that? I'm mightily glad I've gotten that off my chest.

So I spent a good portion of my thoughts today on what I would write about. What would be acceptable, what would be too much information or would I not want people to know? Is it okay to publish a blog and still want to be private? Is that an oxymoron? What could, would be interesting? Having spent all day wondering of course I now fear my thoughts will somehow run dry and.... I'm sorry I'm starting to laugh just imagining me with nothing to say, without an opinion, that would be the daaay when I die (the Buddy Holly song was going through my head). So I guess I'm starting slowly to reveal how my brain works and that I am the Queen of the run-on sentence. This is particularly shameful because my Father is an editor and both my parents taught English as a second language at one time. I feel I should have some genetic disposition to knowing where comma's should go and semi-colons and such. But alas I pretty much write as I speak.

So one may think, this is assuming that anyone reads this I'm happy to make this assumption as it gives me some reason to continue, ah she was trying to figure out what to write about and has not as of yet begun to write about much, if anything. I am merely sharing my musings, sometimes there will be a point but forgive me if there isn't or rather doesn't seem to be. I'm hoping perhaps a point will emerge much like a lighthouse or a beacon to the wayward or weary sailor. I'm not sure why I feel the need to make sailor references but I suspect it may have to something to do with it being Fleet week in New York. Everywhere I go I see white uniforms which fills me with wonder that their uniforms are so clean. I can barely get out of the house with a white shirt on let alone an entire outfit. And then if I do (make it out of the house that is) I become severely limited in my beverage and food choices. For one there is the coffee situation which is nearly impossible to get out and I refuse to give it up!! Then you can't eat or drink anything that involves grapes, i.e. red wine or just simply grapes! Or pasta sauces, salsa, cranberry, your palate for the day must be rather bland and you should stick to club soda.
Sorry if I fell flat somewhere in the middle of my rant. I got bored with my own topic. To be frank after the inability to drink coffee when wearing white nothing really matters. As one, the same one I was referring to above, the elusive, improbable and yet unknown reader, is reading this you may suspect I love coffee and you would be correct. I feel I should end on these important and quite true words. I love coffee.
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