Our show went up today, twice. Once at 4pm and then again at 8pm ok not really it was more like 8:45 but that’s not quite the point. So it was interesting having two shows in one day. I feel it gave me insight to the Broadway matinée days that are in my future. Having that energy surge twice in one day was… well it was exhausting. Truth be told, exhausting but wonderful. I think us actors are a sick lot. The fear, butterflies, energy surge whatever you want to call it I love it, I truly love it. I don’t want to say I never feel more alive because I love the other aspects of my life. But there is nothing else like it. To put yourself out there I guess it’s a version of a roller coaster. And I did not intend this pun but the first round of the Wonderland Festival is called the Roller coaster. Damn now I’m not sure if that metaphor just came to me or was lurking in there because of the title of the round. Dang it. Oh well I’ll assume it was both and call it a day.
We’re hoping to move to the next round called the Ferris wheel, so if you catch me using that as a metaphor for acting I will have to concede it was not my creativity before and simply subliminally embedded. So it went well. I felt good and it would be great to continue. The first show was a little sparsely attended but the evening was sold out which was great! I was very happy to act all day. Of course I trained clients in the morning but then spending the day getting ready to go on and then eating lunch/dinner or linner, or dunch you choose, with the cast was nice. We went to the
We went out afterward, it was nice to hang out but I bailed early I have to train early tomorrow, are you noticing a theme? I had to write to you, wonderful you. I also have a late night planned tomorrow. The lead, Concepta and executive producer of this TV show called “Tempting Joanna” I’m co-starring in as a Good Angel and a Dark Angel (I’m not sure why I had to capitalize it but there it is) is singing tomorrow night. So…One has got to pace themselves. I also have a premier to go on Monday for a Director I worked on a film with back in September? I am not knowing. Yes I meant to write it like that I don’t care what word perfect says! I think I have to acknowledge all that delicious adrenaline; wonderful life force that was coursing through my veins for the shows earlier has truly left my body. Till next time Ciao.
P.S. I was re-reading my blog to see how poor my editing skills are (I love to chastise myself on this shortcoming apparently) make some changes so as to not render it unreadable ( ah yes and let's throw in a double negative?) I feel I am butchering the English language and seem helpless to stop. All I can say is I can tell I am really tired. There seems to be non sequitors littered all over this blog. I am known for my tangents but I'd like to think they tie up in the end. Oh well C'est la vie. Ah yes I have now a tri-lingual post. awesome. I'm going to bed.
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