Sunday, June 17, 2007

Hot Damn! It's a Revival!

I just got home from a pre-birthday party for my cousin. Yeah I know most would call it a birthday party but if it's not your birthday its not your birthday period. I have steadfast rules on this. I am big fan of the birthday and consider mine a personal holiday (we just past the 6 month countdown). Actually I think everyone should consider their birthday a personal holiday I mean come on you decided to do this whole life thing again, go through the trials and tribulations of learning language, living, loving etc etc. Yes I am going with the whole reincarnation idea. It just makes the most sense to me and yes I still consider myself Christian, but come on people somethings just make sense. But I'm still a recovering Catholic so forgive if you feel I have sinned with these comments.

Anyhoo, back to birthdays so they're personal holidays and to be taken very seriously so that means you can celebrate the weekend before but it's not your birthday. So.. I sang her happy pre-birthday to you, how old will you be in 2 days, how she will be jolly good fellow 2 days etc( I'll explain the family tradition another time), explained my stand on it. She understood of course having met me and what not and she brought up a point, which of course did not sway me at all but rather I felt supports my idea. This may seem contradictory but I do believe in a 3 day birthday, a week long birthday and a birthday month. These are all valid. The 3 day birthday is the night ( not the whole day) before your birthday so you turn on midnight (sounds like a werewolf kind of thing) and you celebrate, wake up and really celebrate. Now the birthday week and birthday month came about from not being able to see all your friends in one fell swoop so I would be celebrating well past the week and still getting presents going out to dinner etc. This is all acceptable but it has to happen after the magical day of the anniversary of the day you decided to come into the world and wreak havoc upon your parents lives.

Yes let's just be honest that's what you do,. Yeah, yeah and you're a joy and all that good stuff. And you're crying and not letting anyone sleep and pooping and peeing all over the place (even if it's in your diapers) and throwing up on people. I mean come on you're wreaking havoc on these poor people who succumbed to their animal urges and then bam. Cute as you are you decide to stir up some trouble.

Anyway the party was great and it was at a very cute place called Revival right near Union Square. It had dive feel but not too divey with a lounge flourish and a nice garden in the back. Actually it was quite nice, perfect vibe. You didn't feel like you were there just to be seen and pay $14 per drink to do so. They played the Scorpions and The Cars and other random 80's songs but it wasn't that kind of retro let's relive the 80's kind of bar either. Anyway I have to go to sleep and train some clients early tomorrow morning. So sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite. Ciao.


Kassandra Vaughn said...

I absolutely concur on birthday month. Why shouldn't life existence be a whole month affair? I guess birthday year would be taking it too far... Alas, you are an immeasurably talented actress, writer, and human being. Keep writing. Your written voice radiates with life.

Lise Fisher said...

Thank you for the Comment/Compliment, coming from as multi-talented an artist as yourself, I am flattered and grateful (and very pleased!).

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